Confidential: Under EMBARGO until Monday, August 26th, 9 am EST, 2024

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We are thrilled to introduce Rumpel, the premier point tokenization protocol. Launching in mid-Sept, we’re backed by industry leaders such as Dragonfly and Variant, and have extensive experience building & launching DeFi protocols, such as Sense Protocol, MakerDAO and Aave.

Rumpel aims to improve liquidity and price discovery for offchain loyalty points, unlocking new opportunities for point holders, traders, airdrop hunters, and point issuers.

Points play a central role in crypto incentives, and with Rumpel, points will become the evergreen gold standard for allocating rewards for the years to come.

The Power of Points in Crypto

Points have emerged as the golden thread in growth strategies across the crypto landscape. They serve as a crucial mechanism to reward early adopters, incentivize specific behaviors, and foster loyal communities. Oftentimes, Web3 points convert into the free money that drives user engagement.

Points offer significant unique advantages for Web3 projects, including day-one incentives, enhanced agility, and optimized token generation event (TGE) timing. Instead of obfuscating airdrop criteria, teams can leverage pointenomics to “line up” user participation in specific ways, prime new markets, and predictably expand across the ecosystem. These benefits make points an indispensable tool for rapid growth and user engagement.

The effectiveness of point programs in go-to-market (GTM) strategies is evident from notable examples:

Both projects, while driven by strong teams & tailwinds, leveraged points to prime their marketplaces and meticulously guide user growth.

As a result, web3 projects are now adopting point programs at an accelerated pace, with 50% of recent airdrops having already been allocated to point holders.

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